Pip pip! It’s that time of the week for a smidge of tea-fuelled burbling about the week’s gaming news. This week, Dan and Tim are joined by Kev from the Big Red Barrelcast – as Jon forgot that a weekly podcast tends to happen every week.
This week, we prattle on about:
- Aliens: Colonial Marines get cancelled on the Wii U
- Tim’s still waiting for his OUYA
- The Vita gets a firmware update
- Next Xbox rumours and general shenanigans
- Guacamelee (PS3/Vita)
- Tekken Card Tournament (Android/iOS)
NB: Spoiler section for TR discussion ends at 20.20.
We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.
Non-censord swearing? What is this sensation? ANARCY!
Dangerous Brian
Awww, Dan said a swear… I’m telling on him.
Ridcullys Hat
On the subject of the new Xbox always online debacle, I was attempting to have a game on Saturday night and low and behold xbl was down. For about 3-4 hours. This is why Microsoft shouldn’t do it. They’ll basically alienate the consumer with this idea and we will basically have a very posh and very expensive paperweight