Ahoy hoy and, may I say, ‘och aye the noo’! Why? Because our resident Scot finally woke up at a time commensurate with doing a podcast. So, for the first time in 2013, join Dan, Jon and Tim as they teeter around the week’s gaming news.
This week, we talk utter codswallop about:
- Jon’s Game of The Year
- THQ has run out of money (again), is selling stuff
- Pokémon XY (3DS)
- Play.com doesn’t like the sound of paying VAT, so stops selling stuff
- News from CES
- God of War: Ascension multiplayer beta impressions (PS3)
- Far Cry 3 (360/PS3)
- Lego: Lord of The Rings
- Rocksmith
- The Great British Debate: Will the SteamBox steamroll the next generation of consoles?
We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date. This week, there’s also a smattering of bonus content, courtesy of the musical stylings of Governor Mitch for anyone who’s been kind enough to pick up the BRB App.
Great show!
Also I like Pokemon =( and the third Pokemon game must be called Pokemon Z then they have covered the 3D part of the game.