Home » BRB UK 42: Fist of The Brown Star

BRB UK 42: Fist of The Brown Star

Ahoy hoy, hello but most definitely not ‘och aye the noo!’. Dan and Tim are once again without Jon – something about clipboards, jam and auditing – so are joined by resident Wii U owner and general video-based superstar Kev to prattle on about the week’s gaming news.

This week, we burble about:

  • EU Wii U owners can only download mature content in the wee hours
  • Fist of The North Star condoms
  • 3DS vs. PS3 lifetime sales in Japan
  • Xi: Continuum (PS Home)
  • Wii U roundup:
    • The hardware
    • Zombii U
    • Super Mario U
    • Nintendo Land
    • Rayman Legends demo
  • Tim talks about Ni No Kuni. AGAIN.
  • Sine Mora (PS Vita)
  • BigSky Infinity (PS Vita)

We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.


  1. Good show chaps! For Tims benefit, my name is from a little known series of books called Discworld and written by an even lesser known author called Sir Terry Pratchett. You pronounce it Rid Cull lees hat. So there you go. I do get alot of stick from illiterate teenage americans for it. thats why I’ve broken it down into syllables for their benefit. Anyway, I digress, great show and hopefully Kev has stopped fisting his brown star enough to get some more work done.

  2. I thought it could not be done but each show is funnier than the last! FiFi and now Fist of the brown star

  3. That was the point of my little ramble about him. He’s a bit of a hero of mine and an avid campaigner for Alzheimer disease awareness. Hence my gamertag Ridcullys Hat. Some people think I’ve miss spelt ridiculous. Plus Mr teatime and commander vimes were taken. Strangely, alot of people haven’t heard of him or his characters

  4. If they did an art competition they probably wouldn’t be able put the pictures up on here. If you’ve seen any of the films, you’d know what I mean. 😉

    • On second thoughts, never watch the live action film. Its horrible and its 90mins of your life you’ll never get back

  5. Was there one? I just watched it for the violence. I was a teenager when manga was originally popular (early-mid 90’s) but then again most japanese films are pretty hard to follow.

  6. I’ll just be in the corner, being quiet and crying big man tears.


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