Ahoy hoy! It’s that time of the week where you’re doubtless gagging for your regular instalment of gaming banter, wrapped up in a healthy dose of Britishness. So join Dan, Jon and Tim as they navigate the week’s news.
This week, we prattle on about:
- The new
improvedPSN storefront - The Xbox Dashboard update
- Layoffs at Lionhead Studios
- Halo 4 gets leaked all over the internet
- XCOM: Enemy Unknown (360/PS3/PC)
- Forza Horizon demo impressions (360)
- Hell Yeah! (XBLA/PSN)
- Extra Life – Saturday October 20th 2012
We appreciate you chaps and chapettes taking time out of your week to listen to our show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Zune and stay up to date.
What ho chaps… There appears to be a lack show thread for this.
Which I put down to extra life hangover, which is a damn fine reason to be fair.