Home » BRB Boom 28: Haters Gonna Hate

BRB Boom 28: Haters Gonna Hate

It’s time, once again, to put boom in your boom and listen to BRB Boom. This week, Dogsdie, Smelly Pirate and Yoshifett nerd out about games that need an upgrade, Twitter hate, super hero games that need to be made, the deal of the week and other topics that affect today’s gamer.

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  1. Feeling bad for yoshifett :/

  2. Thanks for the douchy shout out! Here I am trying to be all supportive and what not. Aggressive? I’m Scottish so passive-aggressive is probably about right. But you hurt me, hurt me deep.

    And yoshi, when you joined the show I really didn’t like you, but now I do. Just remember, it’s not your fault. No listen, it’s not your fault. No, no, listen. It’s not your fault. A haters gotta hate.

    Love you,

    Yoshi, I know. It’s not your fault.

  3. Wait a minute. I just listened again and you called me a bitch! Damn, you really want people to hate on you. You are a hate bater. I take back what I said, it is your fault.

  4. Glados and Claptrap true love 4 ever


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