Home » Big Red Flix 36: Stuart Smalley

Big Red Flix 36: Stuart Smalley

Welcome back for another episode of Big Red Flix, BigRedBarrel.com’s movie podcast. This was originally going to be bonus content for episode 35, but Dave, Jitterbug and Yoshifett rambled on like they always do and it came out just short of 50 minutes. Join the Flix crew as they rot their brains with Bachelorette, Sky Fall, Man Of Steel, and they settle the Marvel vs DC debate once and for all.

Check back next week for another episode of BRB Flix!

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  1. What? Cocaine is like his spinach.

    • Quantum of Solace was filmed during the punk ass writer strike. supposedly the director and the the dude that plays James Bond “wrote” the script. Bring on Sky Fall


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