Home » BRB Boom 8: Hey Wilhelmina

BRB Boom 8: Hey Wilhelmina

On this episode of BRB Boom, Dogsdie flies solo in a special episode dedicated to his (and SmellyPirate’s) grandmother who recently passed away.  Smelly Pirate was in Oklahoma all week to be with family for the memorial service and DogsDie stayed at home with his newborn baby girl.  Yoshifett…continued to do whatever it is he does.  Enjoy this touching tribute to Grandma Boom and join us next week for a full episode of BRB Boom.

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  1. Thats pretty sad. Dogsdie scared me for a moment when he said “last night Smelly and my beautiful scotish grandma passed away”. I thought Smelly died too =(

  2. So sorry to hear about your loss, guys. But, as Fish said, many congrats to Allan for the new addition to the clan!


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