Home » PWNED is now on Big Red Barrel!

PWNED is now on Big Red Barrel!

We here at Big Red Barrel are delighted to announce that we have come to an agreement with EA to host future episodes of their signature twice-monthly video series, PWNED. You will now be able to find the latest videos right here on our front page, which give you an exclusive look at some behind the scenes and exclusive features occuring with current and upcoming EA games.

We’re always thrilled when an opportunity like this arises that can help to improve our professional relationship with publishers and developers, and as such we are looking into the possibility of having more of these types of shows hosted here on Big Red Barrel.

PWNED is produced by Electronic Arts UK and does not necessarily represent the views of BigRedBarrel.com or any of its staff.


  1. That’s awesome. Way to go!

  2. At first I couldn’t tell if this was legit or some parody. I thought this might be a parody thing about how EA “pwnes” it’s customers with crap like online pass, day one DLC, etc.

  3. This is awesome! Way to go BRB.


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