Welcome back to BRB Blu, the premiere Sony podcast from BigRedBarrel.com. This week Rothbart, PacManPolarBear and Frawlz discuss LittleBigPlanet Karting, Foosball 2012, Starhawk, the PS Move price drop, and a few more nuggets of Sony goodness. There’s bonus content for BRB (formally that other site) iPhone and Android app users.
We appreciate you all taking time out of your day to listen to the show. For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or if you’re one of those “set it and forget it” types, you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS, or Zune and stay in “real time.”
oh joy!!!
frawlz dude… Do your research before you try to bash us. Lacrosse is our national sport. No one here watches or plays it but it definately isn’t curling. And curling isn’t really Canadian either (though we are the best at that as well as hockey), even Korea has a curling team.
But ya… Lacrosse, for the next time you want to use that as ammo.
Hey guys IM BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER, i sort of Neglected BRB due to personal things going on, but im back now so its all good.
PS: I’m throwing a party to celebrate me finally coming back home, and every one is invited, except frawlz! (u mad bruh?) even when i wasnt posting i still kept listening to the episodes because im a true BRB Blu fan.
And if this doesn’t get a shout out I may have to rethink about the party…. 🙂