Welcome back to BRB Blu, the premiere Sony Podcast from BigRedBarrel.com. Rothbart, Pac Man Polar Bear and Frawlz discuss The Last Guardian getting some help, no PS4 announcement at E3, Frawlz continues to troll for internet booty, Taco Bell’s Vita giveaway screw up, unboxing the PSV, and a few more nuggets of Sony goodness. There’s bonus content for BRB (formally that other site) iPhone and Android app users.
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Frawlz’s concern for Rothbarts balls is a little disconserting. I think it made Jack Trenton distracted and that’s not what he wants. Pacman didn’t get the Vita, even more disconserting. By the way I actually won something from Taco Bell. It’s called the green apple nasties.
They should get Frawlz’s room mate on the podcast some time.
That guy seems to get every PlayStation game you can get.
I didn’t get a shout out, but I did last week…. Is there somebody else? thats it isn’t it, theres somebody else LOL
me want shout out and a Vita only wifi here in Brunei
yeaaa boii!
sorry forum buddies, I have been neglecting you… but not to fear! FINALLY Playrules has come back to the BRB Forums! 😀