Miss any BRBTV content this week? This is the place to find it.
Getting the obligatory trailers out of the way first:
Ghost Recon Online – Class Overview Binary Domain – ‘Slum Kids’ Cutscene FarCry 3 – Stranded Syndicate – Launch Trailer
Trailers not your thing? How about some pure gold from The Big Red Ramble?:
Shank 2 Mass Effect 3 (Demo) Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning
Our final piece of content this week is credited to Mat. He used YouTube Doubler to make good on a great idea he had during our Tribes: Ascend Ramble:
Tribes: Ascend / Ski Sunday Mash-UpFor all episodes within a specific series, check out our Series List:
For our Forum readers: Links do not appear in the Forum post. Please view the front page article.