Blog Archives

BRB UK 375: Podcast V2.0

It’s the return of the Biggest, Reddest, UKest Podcast on the internet for the year of 2020.
Did you miss us?

BRB UK 370: Dog with a Sword in its Mouth

Shield for a face or Sword in his mouth, it’s a real Sophie’s choice of Pokémon decision-making

BRB UK 348: Piston Racing

The beast that is E3 has been slain for another year, so let’s just take some time and look at all the cool 2019 games so far

BRB UK 346: Destiny, Stadia & Bagels

…Oh my! We’ve got a show that is absolutely chock-full of the best gaming news from this week

BRB UK 345: Right Cockney Geezers

London gangsters, Cars, Dogs and Cats… what more could you possibly want in a podcast? Death Stranding and Pokémon?

BRB UK 332: Randomly Jiggled

Ape Out, Crackdown 3, City of Brass and more Anthem… what more could you want? How about The Littlest Hobo theme tune?

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