Blog Archives

BRB UK 300: Choose Your Own Podcast

It’s time for celebration with the Big Reed Barrel UK Podcast team as they hit 300 episodes!

BRB UK 276: Papa Costello

Nintendo announces Labo, Capcom finishes Street Fighter V, there’s a bunch of new games and more in this week’s BRB UK.

Cookies & Booze: Heavy Rain Part 3

Originally aired on 03/09/2017 In this episode of Cookies & Booze, Coleman and Alex attempt to avoid cars, get zapped by electricity, crawl through the tunnel of sharp glass. It must be Tuesday! Watch us play video games badly every Sunday at 9pm UK Time on Cookies & Booze. Click to Subscribe ►

Cookies & Booze: Heavy Rain Part 2

In this episode of Cookies & Booze, Coleman and Alex encounter something unexpected, loose Shaun, fight some imaginary ninja’s and speak to a psychiatrist. Watch us play video games badly most Sundays at 9 pm UK Time on Cookies & Booze. Click to Subscribe ►

Cookies & Booze: Heavy Rain Part 1

Originally aired on 25/08/2017 In this episode of Cookies & Booze, Coleman replaces Julia and introduces Alex to one of his French boyfriend games, Heavy Rain. There will some unconvincing architecture, detecting from the future and of course… Jason. Watch us play video games badly every Sunday at 9pm UK Time on Cookies & Booze. Click […]

BRB UK 170: Rise of the Tim Raider

Rise of the Tomb Raider, Fallout 4, Star Wars: Battlefront and Need for Speed – all this and more with the BRB UK Podcast!

Review: Beyond Two Souls

Beyond: Two Souls is the latest creation of Quantic Dream and much like the titles before it plays more like an interactive movie than a traditional video game title.

BRB UK 50: Second Base With Sony

Ahoy hoy! It’s (finally) back to normal service this week in BRB UK towers, as Dan’s had the 21st Century plumbed back into his house – just in time for the big PS4 event.

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