Home » BRB UK 246: Qualms About ARMS

BRB UK 246: Qualms About ARMS

What ho dashing listeners, are you ready for another spiffing instalment of this very British podcast? Jolly Good.

Yes it’s is actually time for another episode of the Big Red Barrel UK Podcast with your host Dan, joined by the modern age odd couple of Tim & Coleman.

Topics this week include:

  • Square-Enix announces partnership with People Can Fly
  • Final Fantasy VII Remake development shifts to internal setup.
  • Splatoon 2’s official headset shows off how Switch Chat will work.
  • The end of PlayStation 3.
  • Tim attends MCM Comic Con London to play some games:
    • ARMS
    • Splatoon 2
    • Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers
    • Star Trek: Bridge Crew
    • Gran Turismo Sport
    • Agents of Mayhem
    • Tekken 7
    • Drive Girls
    • Unfair

We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show.  For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher and stay up to date.

Written by
Podcast voice guy, occasional animator and sometimes I even write words for you to read


  1. I have a request. Can you make the yo yo yo iz your boi + airhorn a ringtone?

  2. I do. I just could not remember the name. Thanks!


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