Blog Archives

BRB UK 590: A Tale of WASD and Crabs

What’s better than sending Tim off to WASD? Sending Coleman with him to make fun of his game skills. Dan didn’t attend the show but we like to keep him around so he stays out of trouble. We’ve also been checking out Stellar Blade, Another Crab’s Treasure and the new Knuckles mini-series. Time Stamps 00:00:00 […]

Does Sony Care about PS VR2?

We are now eight months on from the initial PS VR2 launch but does Sony even care?

BRB UK 537: Tim’s Big WASD Adventure

We sent our resident Mr November out to WASD and he made a big new friend

BRB UK 487: Kessel Run With it

Elden Ring is seeing competition for Game of the Year in a LEGO title of all things?

BRB UK 486: Cult of the Powerwasher

Welcome Children of the Kärcher, let us wash away your sins using high-powered jets of water

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