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Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Sometimes there are some things or situations that can only be explained in game terms…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

This week Chris Shooter ponders that not every film should necessarily be made into a Lego game…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

This week Chris Shooter considers the question: What if you could earn achievements in life as well as on Xbox Live?

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Guest what game Chris Shooter is playing a lot of at the moment? Here is a clue: click clickerty click click clickerty click click click clicky clicky click…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

In honour of HRM Lizzie, who is celebrating her diamond jubilee this weekend…what if you could earn XBL achievements in real life?

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Chris Shooter is back with another slice of The (Un)Interesting Life. So, computer geeks are cool. We’re down with it yeah?right? RIGHT? Of course we are… This week, Chris gives us an insight into his social life.

The (Un)Interesting Life … Cartoon

General layabout and git by day and pretty much exactly the same by night, Chris Shooter is back from his extended break in the sun sipping poolside champagne to bring us his latest in the single panel cartoon series, The (Un)interesting Life…

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