Blog Archives

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition – Story Trailer

During last year’s The Game Awards, a new trailer revealed that a port of Gearbox’s 2011 FPS flop Bulletstorm is due for release this year. Now titled Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition, this re-release includes upgraded visuals/textures, all DLC included, 4K resolutions and Duke Nukem (as a pre-order bonus). In this new trailer, we get a better look at […]

Gears of War: Judgment – The Guts of Gears Campaign Trailer

Everybody’s favourite smart-mouthed Gear, Lt. Baird, is here to tell you all about the new gameplay features, modes and weapons in the upcoming Gears of War: Judgment. Including the declassified missions, smart spawn system, new player unlocks and more stuff than you can shove inside an E-Hole.  

Preview: Gears of War: Judgment Overrun Multiplayer

What happens when two of Gears of War’s game modes get smashed into one? You get Overrun.

Trailer: Gears of War: Judgment – E3

People Can Fly take point on this new Gears game, and put everyone’s favourite wise cracking, smartass into the spotlight.

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