Blog Archives

Revisiting ID@Xbox: Indies Galore!

Last year, Jamie took a look at the ID@Xbox program. Now, he’s back to take a more in depth look at the games being released this year and beyond as well as some old favourites.

BRB UK 114: C-Stick Cheat Code

We’re just about back on track (in a temporal sense), but we managed to lose Jon. So join Dan, Tim and special guest Kev as they talk about Destiny, some news and a bit more Destiny.

ID@Xbox: How Microsoft Learned To Love Indies

The Xbox One has a stellar line-up of indie games coming via the ID@Xbox program. Jamie highlights some of the ones you might want to look out for.

BRB UK 110: I Have A Question

Dan makes a return this week, after four weeks of experiencing facial swelling madness and hunting for his cat in North London.

BRB UK 97: Ironic

It’s a two-man show this week, so Dan and Tim have been left to their own devices without the stabilising influence of a Scotsman. Oh dear.

BRB UK 93: There’s Somebody At The Door

Cripes, crivens and c’or blimey! All three of BRB UK crew are in residence (for a change) this week.

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