Blog Archives

Big Red Barrelcast 17: Hacker Hole

On this week’s episode, Dave and Pacman are joined by podcasting legend, Rothbart, to discuss slapping people with fish and flipping switches.

BRB UK 64: Xbox One Eighty

We’re all still recovering from the onslaught of gaming goodness from E3 2013 – and we even had a Brit on the ground getting hands-on with everything (and not just games).

Microsoft Remove Xbox One Restrictions!

Earlier this evening Don Mattrick announced the removal of DRM from the Xbox One.

What is Microsoft’s Hedge Bet?

Microsoft dropped an impressive amount of balls at E3 earlier this month, with the coupe de grâce coming in the form of Sony systematically opposing all the right bullet points, whether intentionally or not, to a powerful effect. But, one has to wonder… What the hell is Microsoft thinking?

Big Red Barrelcast 14: Not Gooey Enough

E3 is on the horizon which means Dave, Kev and Pacman have to scrape the bottom of the barrel (pun intended) to find things to blabber on about.

Why Always-Online DRM Needs To Go Away

With SimCity’s troubled launch continuing to make the headlines, never has it been more clear why always-online DRM must go the way of the dodo.

[Rumor] Microsoft’s Possible Strike Against Used Games and Piracy

It must be the year of new consoles, because everywhere you look a new rumor more preposterous than the last is cropping up.

BRB UK 20: Warp Factor 9

As is their want, Dan, Jon and Tim return to the digital airwaves for yet another thrillingly British discourse on the week’s video gaming news – in addition to a slight smattering of churlish humour.

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