Blog Archives

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

This week Chris Shooter ponders that not every film should necessarily be made into a Lego game…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

This week Chris Shooter considers the question: What if you could earn achievements in life as well as on Xbox Live?

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Chris Shooter contemplates: Gods are very very busy beings – they don’t have time to look after the little details – this is why reincarnation has now been outsourced to Blizzard…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Guest what game Chris Shooter is playing a lot of at the moment? Here is a clue: click clickerty click click clickerty click click click clicky clicky click…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

This week the (Un)Interesting Life ponders the consequences of game changing DLC. Won’t SOMEBODY think of the childr…err….horses.

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life… of a Sneak Thief

This week in the (Un)Interesting Life, Chris Shooter ponders one of life’s great quandaries: how to steal the biscuits without the wife catching you…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Boyfriends, girlfriends, spouses, life partners … sometimes they just don’t have the same enthusiasm for games as we do …

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

Another slice of the (Un)Interesting Life. This week Chris ponders the other side of life in the gaming world. You may think you’re doing the right thing but to every action there is an equal and opposite reaction…

Cartoon: The (Un)Interesting Life…

It’s a dirty job but someone has to do it. The (Un)Interesting Life is acknowledging the unsung heroes of video games.

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