Home » BRB UK 187: We’re at Rezzed 2016

BRB UK 187: We’re at Rezzed 2016

Whato braven adventurer, thou hath cometh face to face with the beast known as  the BigRedBarrek UK Podcast!

Much as the title may suggest for this week, we’ve been to EGX Rezzed at the beautiful Tobacco Dock in London… well Tim & Coleman have anyway (we think that Dan may be allergic to expos).  So helping them out this week are two of the hosts from BRB Geek Speak, Lauren & Alex.

We’ll be covering as many topics as we can in the allotted time given, including:

  • Lauren & Alex causing trouble at the BAFTA Games Awards
  • Lumo
  • Esper 2
  • Gang Beasts PS4 & VR
  • Shu
  • Rigs: Mechanized: Combat League
  • Snake Pass
  • Head Lander
  • Radial G
  • The Turing Test
  • Tabletop Racing World Tour
  • The World is Flat

We appreciate you chaps taking time out of your week to listen to our show.  For your convenience, you can simply download the MP3 by clicking HERE or you can subscribe via iTunes, RSS or Stitcher and stay up to date.

Oh, one last thing! One of our listeners (Adam Mutton) wanted to bring attention to his friend’s Kickstarter – The Ultimate Drinking Game, go check it out.

Written by
Podcast voice guy, occasional animator and sometimes I even write words for you to read


  1. Hi gang! I’m the guy you gave a shout out too at the end of the podcast. Thanks so much for saying The Ultimate Drinking Game looks intriguing, I promise you it’s as fun as it looks. Great show and thanks again!

  2. YAY! Reviews mean prizes! Finally after weeks of whining YAY!


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