Monthly Archives: September 2014

Review: Velocity 2X

FuturLab recently confirmed that they were gunning for Velocity 2X to reach Game of the Year levels of critical acclaim – Diarmuid can only speak for himself but he believes they did just that.

Review: The Walking Dead: Season 2: Episode 5 – No Going Back

Telltale Games have rounded off The Walking Dead: Season 2 with an episode that swells with rising tension, helped greatly by the power of five different endings.

Review: Sin City: A Dame to Kill For

In the nine years since the original Sin City was released, we’ve seen the Dark Knight rise and reboot, the Avengers Assemble, and Spider-Man become Amazing.

Review: inFAMOUS: First Light

Taking a well-liked game, picking the most intriguing character from it and using them as a focus for single-player DLC seems to be a common theme recently. Seattle-based Sucker Punch Productions have now done it with inFAMOUS: First Light.

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